To Pawn, or Not To Pawn?
If you need cash and do not want to part with your heirlooms, consider making a pawn loan. Should you wish to simply sell your item for cash, please let us know. Often times there is a significant difference in price between a pawn and a sale, as items that are sold do not have to be held for as long of a time period.
Pawn Loans
We value your property and take good care of it. Licensed by the State of Florida and fully insured, we give you peace of mind.
Pawn loans are based upon collateral merchandise (jewelry, scrap gold, firearms, electronics, tools, etc.) used to guarantee the loan. This is an easy way to secure cash for life’s unexpected emergencies.
Your collateral is evaluated based upon the age, condition and market demand to determine the loan value. Jewelry is tested for metal content and diamonds are examined to determine clarity and color.
When the loan amount is agreed upon, we create a computer-generated contract listing the collateral in detail, the loan amount, maturity date and interest. You receive cash immediately.

A pawn loan is for sixty days based on interest every thirty days. All pledged items are properly labeled with barcoded tags including the customer’s personal information and contract number to insure that items are kept secure and given to the proper customer. All jewelry is kept in properly labeled bags and stored in a commercial jewelry safe. In the event of an incident we are fully insured to cover any and all pledged items.
You may pick up your loan at any time during the loan period by paying the amount borrowed plus the accrued interest. All loans must be paid in cash or by debit card. Should you not be able to repay the loan, you may keep the loan active by paying the interest.
We will not discuss your loan with family members or friends as everything is confidential. It is impossible to estimate the loan value of your property over the phone; we must evaluate it in person.
Your items are not shown to anyone and your loan remains confidential.
Fully insured and licensed by the State of Florida, you never have to worry about your valuables.
We fully comply with USA Patriot Act; the privacy provisions of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act; Truth in Lending Act; Bank Secrecy Act; and certain IRS regulations.
Note: Specific loan terms, conditions and repayment options will be discussed with you and provided in writing with a receipt detailing your property.